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Top 10 Newest Automotive Technology Advancements in the Last Decade

The newest vehicle innovations, from self-driving cars to dashboards with augmented reality, are nothing short of revolutionary. Not only are these advancements simplifying our lives, but they are also making driving safer and more pleasurable. Even though some of the new car technology can seem like science fiction, it's important to remember that many of these innovations are already available and improving our lives. List of Indian New Car Technologies 1. M odernized driver assistance technologies Vehicle technology known as Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) helps drivers operate their cars. These systems give drivers in-the-moment information about their surroundings and alert them to potential hazards using sensors, cameras, and sophisticated algorithms. ADAS is intended to aid drivers in avoiding collisions by giving them early warnings and support in dire situations. These systems can also be utilized to advise drivers of the vehicle's location, speed, and other